minkalab 2014


With more than 65 participants from different parts of the world, different cultures and backgrounds, over 30 workshops, lectures, performances, music and cultural events during 3 intense days.

Some achievements of the meeting were:

  • To gather farmers , technicians, indigenous groups, creative young people around the following topics: The good living , Memory and Sustainable Technologies.
  • To create synergies in order to develop and support future local projects.
  • Peasants and indigenous are now motivated to develop similar events in their communities.
  • The intention to create a library to exchange and preserve native seed.
  • A video and text documents waiting to be published and shared under a free license creative commons (CC).
  • Recognition and location of indigenous communities and peasant groups in the region.
  • Free access to education, art and culture to peasants and indigenous families.
  • The consolidation of an intercultural group to organize the next MinkaLab .
  • Among others.

Some activities were:

  • Representation of the peasantry in Colombia by Alejandro Araque .
  • Biopractica , visualization of microorganisms. Hamilton Mestizo.
  • Economiy of short paths. Iban Agudeloc.
  • Experimental music and noise . Jorge Bejarano.
  • Historical tour of traditional Colombian music. Grupo Serrania.
  • Native Nutrition . Maria Elena Guzman.
  • Teaser to co-create social technologies. Juan Reina.
  • Ancestral Architecture. Valentina Ocampo.
  • Ritual and medicine plants. Conrrado.
  • among others.

A very warm regards from all the team and participants of the MinkaLab 2014.

Created with flickr embed.

Santa Rosa De Cabal - Colombia

Email: info@minkalab.org

Apoyo-amig@s :